Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Feedback on Egoscue Ecises


Here is the correspondence between me and my Egoscue therapist, Paul (and we've never even met).

I have a few questions. Regarding the first menu:

1. Floor Block: don't know if I'm doing this right. Do I lift my arms off the cushion? I have to put a pillow under my forehead for this b/c it hurts to rest on my nose/face. Also it's hard to know if I'm rotating my thumbs with the movement coming from my shoulders.

This is one you should feel in the shoulders. Usually, people may feel there forearms working overtime. A good cue is to think about your elbows rotating under as your thumbs rotate outward. Also, as you go out to the third position, you should feel your shoulder blades moving down your back and more work in your spine.

2. Supine Foot Circles/Point/Flexes: After a whole month I can still only do 20 times each!

That's okay. They may take some time to build up. It's been a few years since they've been working for you.

3. Crocodile: It says to keep upper body relaxed, but if I do that then my hip would never leave the floor, I guess b/c of my fusion.

You'll have to brace yourself some with your upper body. The key point here is to not "push" yourself over with your arm and shoulder. If you keep your shoulder blades gently pinched together with shoulders & arms on the floor, then you're doing good.

4. Supine Groin Stretch w/Towels: The towel feels okay when my right leg is extended and the towel is below the small of my back (where there's no real arch), but when my left leg is extended, my back doesn't feel right with the towel under it - like it's being forced to arch.

The towels should be to a comfortable height. If it feels too forced, then use a smaller towel. This is no longer in your menu rotations.

5. Also, are these the only exercises I need to do so that I don't feel like a 50 year old getting up off the floor (okay I exaggerate a tad)? I want to feel young and spry again. What else can I be doing?

Overall, your menu is designed to help get your posture correct and body functional. This is your foundation to go out and play. If you are a walker, hiker, jogger, etc., then your menu will help while you do these activities. If you're using your menus as your only source of exercise, then we can make them more comprehensive as you get straighter and out of symptoms. Just let me know what you'd like to do and we can arrange accordingly.

6. And last question, can my next menus take 40 minutes instead of an hour? Work got busy!

Got it.

Paul, thank you so much. I can tell that you've very experienced in helping people. I know you've helped me already, and it hasn't even been that long. Are my pictures really looking better each time?

We saw some good changes in your pelvis & hips. I would have liked to have seen more extension in your spine. We're getting there!

Thanks for being my Egoscue therapist!!

And thanks for being a great client! Keep at it and it's amazing how much the body is capable of doing.

PS attached is a horrifying video of my knees creaking.


  1. Hi Amanda,

    Been enjoying your blog. Do you mind if I put a link to your blog on mine?

    I am the DIrector of the Egoscue clinic in Downtown San Diego, and I think my readers would get a lot of benefit from reading your Egoscue Experiment blog posts.


  2. Great to see you're reading my posts. You surely may link to my blog. And by the way, I'm really liking Egoscue. I didn't believe my therapist when he said that my body would change...but it's changing...
