Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Thoughts on Egoscue of Late

One of my Egoscue Menus

Here are my many thoughts on Egoscue:

1. I need to do it every day.
2. I woke up this morning, stiff. Did 3 Egsocue ecises and all stiffness left.
3. I love Egoscue.
4. I need to do it every day.
5. I wish my menu didn't take so long to do.
6. I don't understand how it works but it does.

For the past few months I'd been doing the neck exercises and more recently the ecises for the hips. I got these menus right out of the book, Pain Free. They work great. But I was sporadic in doing them and only did the ecises when I was feeling stiff and creaky (I sit all day for my job).

The hip menu includes the one that you can do on the Tower, which I love. Although I wish you could read a book when you're in Tower. I have been doing five minutes with the left leg on the top rung, five minutes with the left leg on a middle rung, then repeating with the right leg. I get up and I can walk around without feeling 80 years old. How does something so simple do that?!!?

This morning I dug up my old menus that Paul had written for me last year. There are three which he said to rotate. They take from 30-40 minutes. In my book, that's too long to be expected to do every day. Which is why I moved to the ecises menu in Pain Free - they're shorter. But I am going to return to doing Paul's, because they're personalized. I may leave out a couple though.

Have I said that I love the Tower?

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