I've done three days worth of the fourth menu and I really like it. Here are the ecises:
Fourth Menu
# Sets Reps/Duration/E-Cise
1. 1 0:05:00 Static Back
2. 4 5 Standing Windmill
3. 1 0:06:00 Modified Floor Block
4. 1 3 Floor Block
5. 1 0:01:00 Assisted Hip Lift
6. 1 0:01:00 Standing Quad Stretch
7. 1 0:01:00 Runners Stretch
8. 1 0:01:00 Downward Dog
9. 1 0:05:00 Wall Drop
All are new except for Static Back, which I still love, and Standing Windmill. Yesterday I realized that I was doing Floor Block wrong. I was trying to lift up my arms off the paper towel rolls and instead you're supposed to just let them rest on top.
I really like Runners Stretch and Downward Dog, they stretch my legs so well. My body feels good after these ecises. I"m supposed to alternate this menu with the Third Menu.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Update from Egoscue Therapist re: Fourth Batch of Pictures
Spoke with Paul my Egoscue therapist tonight. He is so nice. He said I look tired in my last (the fourth) batch of pictures that I sent. I told him I wasn't trying to stand up straight, like in batches two and three. He said he sees some good progress in my front and back in terms of my sides being more symmetrical, but in the side view my shoulders are still hunched over. He says he has a lot of clients like this, people who aren't even fused like I am. My left foot is still turned out quite a bit as well.
Since I sit all day at my computer, he said it would be good to do a couple of ecises every 45 minutes or so. And to do more ecises if I'm working longer hours to balance it out better. I asked if I should be correcting my posture whenever I think of it, say as I'm in the kitchen, cooking or something and catch myself with my shoulders hunched. He said it's more helpful to do arm circles for example as a transition movement between my sitting and my moving around. This will help keep me more upright. Apparently my hips still lean forward, my pelvis is slanted, and I'm sinking into it. This is my form of compensation for muscles that aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. I can also do overhead extensions (raising arms over head) while sitting. Which I'll do right now. Okay did them.
I told him I was walking about 25 minutes most days. He says it would be helpful to do my ecises and then go for my walk so that my hips are under me better.
I told him my wrists crack, all my joints crack. He said that creaky knees going up the stairs is a different creak then when I move my wrists around and they creak, because the wrists don't have load on them like the knees do, and what's happening is tension is being released. This should get better as I continue the ecises. Watch for my video of all my creaky joints, coming soon. I hope next year the creaks will be gone and I'll only have a video to remind me that they once existed.
I've not done ecises for 5 days. But I'll resume tonight and get back on the ball. I told Paul I don't want my forty year old body to feel so old. He said it doesn't have to, I'm still young, 40 is the new 20. I said right on.
Spoke with Paul my Egoscue therapist tonight. He is so nice. He said I look tired in my last (the fourth) batch of pictures that I sent. I told him I wasn't trying to stand up straight, like in batches two and three. He said he sees some good progress in my front and back in terms of my sides being more symmetrical, but in the side view my shoulders are still hunched over. He says he has a lot of clients like this, people who aren't even fused like I am. My left foot is still turned out quite a bit as well.
Since I sit all day at my computer, he said it would be good to do a couple of ecises every 45 minutes or so. And to do more ecises if I'm working longer hours to balance it out better. I asked if I should be correcting my posture whenever I think of it, say as I'm in the kitchen, cooking or something and catch myself with my shoulders hunched. He said it's more helpful to do arm circles for example as a transition movement between my sitting and my moving around. This will help keep me more upright. Apparently my hips still lean forward, my pelvis is slanted, and I'm sinking into it. This is my form of compensation for muscles that aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. I can also do overhead extensions (raising arms over head) while sitting. Which I'll do right now. Okay did them.
I told him I was walking about 25 minutes most days. He says it would be helpful to do my ecises and then go for my walk so that my hips are under me better.
I told him my wrists crack, all my joints crack. He said that creaky knees going up the stairs is a different creak then when I move my wrists around and they creak, because the wrists don't have load on them like the knees do, and what's happening is tension is being released. This should get better as I continue the ecises. Watch for my video of all my creaky joints, coming soon. I hope next year the creaks will be gone and I'll only have a video to remind me that they once existed.
I've not done ecises for 5 days. But I'll resume tonight and get back on the ball. I told Paul I don't want my forty year old body to feel so old. He said it doesn't have to, I'm still young, 40 is the new 20. I said right on.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Emailed my fourth batch of pictures

Sent my fourth batch of pictures to Paul. I'm a bit down because to me they don't look all that great. But then again I don't have a trained eye to notice what improvement may actually exist. To me I look lopsided and bent. I know this is due to the scoliosis I had as a kid. And to the spinal fusion that was done when I was 14. 26 years later I'm trying to undo some of the damage. I know it will probably take a while, but I'm going to persevere. Paul thinks we will see progress and I am doing the work. Except today, cause I skipped the ecises.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Morning Walk and Then Egoscue
Even though it's been about three weeks since Paul gave me my last (the third) menu, I've not yet sent my fourth batch of pictures in because I was sick last week and skipped about three days. So I wanted to get back into daily Egoscue-ing before I send in more picts. I think part of me also does not want the five times to be up. Of course I could always pay another $200 for five more sessions with Paul. I'll probably do that because though my body is better, it's still creaky and heavy feeling.
Usually I do my Egoscue menu after breakfast but today I went for about a 1.8 mile walk instead. And then did Egoscue. And felt great all day. I have to exercise and move my body. When I don't, I'm not quite so happy...
I feel good after Egsocue. It's funny because after Airbench, I can bend forward and it's like the backs of my legs are more stretched out even though my quads were what were worked by Airbench. Also my body feels stronger. And my diaphragm freer so that I can inhale more deeply. I often notice this about my deeper breathing as I'm doing the ecises.
Even though it's been about three weeks since Paul gave me my last (the third) menu, I've not yet sent my fourth batch of pictures in because I was sick last week and skipped about three days. So I wanted to get back into daily Egoscue-ing before I send in more picts. I think part of me also does not want the five times to be up. Of course I could always pay another $200 for five more sessions with Paul. I'll probably do that because though my body is better, it's still creaky and heavy feeling.
Usually I do my Egoscue menu after breakfast but today I went for about a 1.8 mile walk instead. And then did Egoscue. And felt great all day. I have to exercise and move my body. When I don't, I'm not quite so happy...
I feel good after Egsocue. It's funny because after Airbench, I can bend forward and it's like the backs of my legs are more stretched out even though my quads were what were worked by Airbench. Also my body feels stronger. And my diaphragm freer so that I can inhale more deeply. I often notice this about my deeper breathing as I'm doing the ecises.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Cool Egoscue Moment
Rotating my first and third Egoscue menus. I really think I'm standing up straighter. My back doesn't hurt when I sit upright after being hunched over at the computer. My right heel pain is way less in the morning. I breathe more deeply as I'm doing the exercises, probably b/c my diaphragm is being freed up.
Big Egoscue moment - last night in the middle of the night I turned onto my stomach and actually enjoyed sleeping that way! Can't remember the last time I slept on my stomach. No pillow under my head of course. Must mean that my face is no longer pushed into the bed so much, aka, my torso has more extention away from my hips I'm guessing? Or something like that. Anyway it's a good change I"m sure. And also, no heel pain in the morning for the last week or so. My body still creaks and cracks like a maniac though.
When I lie on my side and feel my outer buttocks I have to say I am quite pleased with the tightness. Thank you Airbench. And outer thigh ecise.
Rotating my first and third Egoscue menus. I really think I'm standing up straighter. My back doesn't hurt when I sit upright after being hunched over at the computer. My right heel pain is way less in the morning. I breathe more deeply as I'm doing the exercises, probably b/c my diaphragm is being freed up.
Big Egoscue moment - last night in the middle of the night I turned onto my stomach and actually enjoyed sleeping that way! Can't remember the last time I slept on my stomach. No pillow under my head of course. Must mean that my face is no longer pushed into the bed so much, aka, my torso has more extention away from my hips I'm guessing? Or something like that. Anyway it's a good change I"m sure. And also, no heel pain in the morning for the last week or so. My body still creaks and cracks like a maniac though.
When I lie on my side and feel my outer buttocks I have to say I am quite pleased with the tightness. Thank you Airbench. And outer thigh ecise.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Our Bodies Need to Move!!!

I did the Third Menu for the last two days, like it just fine. Then this morning I did the First Menu. I think I stand straighter now. I've graduated to 25 times per ankle move (aka Supine Foot Circles & Point Flexes). I am so grateful to Paul for his help so far.
When I started doing the Egoscue ecises last month I paid for five virtual meetings with Paul, each spaced out every couple of weeks. I've done 3 out of 5 so far. My heel pain is much improved, I can move my hips more, and my body feels good after each morning's ecises. I just need to keep on keeping on. And start going for walks every day. I've been sitting in front of a computer for 22 years and I know that my body is starving for movement. I sometimes wish I could be totally self-sufficient and grow all my own food (read: move my body all day and sleep really well at night because of it).
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Feedback on Egoscue Ecises
Here is the correspondence between me and my Egoscue therapist, Paul (and we've never even met).
I have a few questions. Regarding the first menu:
1. Floor Block: don't know if I'm doing this right. Do I lift my arms off the cushion? I have to put a pillow under my forehead for this b/c it hurts to rest on my nose/face. Also it's hard to know if I'm rotating my thumbs with the movement coming from my shoulders.
This is one you should feel in the shoulders. Usually, people may feel there forearms working overtime. A good cue is to think about your elbows rotating under as your thumbs rotate outward. Also, as you go out to the third position, you should feel your shoulder blades moving down your back and more work in your spine.
2. Supine Foot Circles/Point/Flexes: After a whole month I can still only do 20 times each!
That's okay. They may take some time to build up. It's been a few years since they've been working for you.
3. Crocodile: It says to keep upper body relaxed, but if I do that then my hip would never leave the floor, I guess b/c of my fusion.
You'll have to brace yourself some with your upper body. The key point here is to not "push" yourself over with your arm and shoulder. If you keep your shoulder blades gently pinched together with shoulders & arms on the floor, then you're doing good.
4. Supine Groin Stretch w/Towels: The towel feels okay when my right leg is extended and the towel is below the small of my back (where there's no real arch), but when my left leg is extended, my back doesn't feel right with the towel under it - like it's being forced to arch.
The towels should be to a comfortable height. If it feels too forced, then use a smaller towel. This is no longer in your menu rotations.
5. Also, are these the only exercises I need to do so that I don't feel like a 50 year old getting up off the floor (okay I exaggerate a tad)? I want to feel young and spry again. What else can I be doing?
Overall, your menu is designed to help get your posture correct and body functional. This is your foundation to go out and play. If you are a walker, hiker, jogger, etc., then your menu will help while you do these activities. If you're using your menus as your only source of exercise, then we can make them more comprehensive as you get straighter and out of symptoms. Just let me know what you'd like to do and we can arrange accordingly.
6. And last question, can my next menus take 40 minutes instead of an hour? Work got busy!
Got it.
Paul, thank you so much. I can tell that you've very experienced in helping people. I know you've helped me already, and it hasn't even been that long. Are my pictures really looking better each time?
We saw some good changes in your pelvis & hips. I would have liked to have seen more extension in your spine. We're getting there!
Thanks for being my Egoscue therapist!!
And thanks for being a great client! Keep at it and it's amazing how much the body is capable of doing.
PS attached is a horrifying video of my knees creaking.
Here is the correspondence between me and my Egoscue therapist, Paul (and we've never even met).
I have a few questions. Regarding the first menu:
1. Floor Block: don't know if I'm doing this right. Do I lift my arms off the cushion? I have to put a pillow under my forehead for this b/c it hurts to rest on my nose/face. Also it's hard to know if I'm rotating my thumbs with the movement coming from my shoulders.
This is one you should feel in the shoulders. Usually, people may feel there forearms working overtime. A good cue is to think about your elbows rotating under as your thumbs rotate outward. Also, as you go out to the third position, you should feel your shoulder blades moving down your back and more work in your spine.
2. Supine Foot Circles/Point/Flexes: After a whole month I can still only do 20 times each!
That's okay. They may take some time to build up. It's been a few years since they've been working for you.
3. Crocodile: It says to keep upper body relaxed, but if I do that then my hip would never leave the floor, I guess b/c of my fusion.
You'll have to brace yourself some with your upper body. The key point here is to not "push" yourself over with your arm and shoulder. If you keep your shoulder blades gently pinched together with shoulders & arms on the floor, then you're doing good.
4. Supine Groin Stretch w/Towels: The towel feels okay when my right leg is extended and the towel is below the small of my back (where there's no real arch), but when my left leg is extended, my back doesn't feel right with the towel under it - like it's being forced to arch.
The towels should be to a comfortable height. If it feels too forced, then use a smaller towel. This is no longer in your menu rotations.
5. Also, are these the only exercises I need to do so that I don't feel like a 50 year old getting up off the floor (okay I exaggerate a tad)? I want to feel young and spry again. What else can I be doing?
Overall, your menu is designed to help get your posture correct and body functional. This is your foundation to go out and play. If you are a walker, hiker, jogger, etc., then your menu will help while you do these activities. If you're using your menus as your only source of exercise, then we can make them more comprehensive as you get straighter and out of symptoms. Just let me know what you'd like to do and we can arrange accordingly.
6. And last question, can my next menus take 40 minutes instead of an hour? Work got busy!
Got it.
Paul, thank you so much. I can tell that you've very experienced in helping people. I know you've helped me already, and it hasn't even been that long. Are my pictures really looking better each time?
We saw some good changes in your pelvis & hips. I would have liked to have seen more extension in your spine. We're getting there!
Thanks for being my Egoscue therapist!!
And thanks for being a great client! Keep at it and it's amazing how much the body is capable of doing.
PS attached is a horrifying video of my knees creaking.
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