Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Update from Egoscue Therapist re: Fourth Batch of Pictures


Spoke with Paul my Egoscue therapist tonight. He is so nice. He said I look tired in my last (the fourth) batch of pictures that I sent. I told him I wasn't trying to stand up straight, like in batches two and three. He said he sees some good progress in my front and back in terms of my sides being more symmetrical, but in the side view my shoulders are still hunched over. He says he has a lot of clients like this, people who aren't even fused like I am. My left foot is still turned out quite a bit as well.

Since I sit all day at my computer, he said it would be good to do a couple of ecises every 45 minutes or so. And to do more ecises if I'm working longer hours to balance it out better. I asked if I should be correcting my posture whenever I think of it, say as I'm in the kitchen, cooking or something and catch myself with my shoulders hunched. He said it's more helpful to do arm circles for example as a transition movement between my sitting and my moving around. This will help keep me more upright. Apparently my hips still lean forward, my pelvis is slanted, and I'm sinking into it. This is my form of compensation for muscles that aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. I can also do overhead extensions (raising arms over head) while sitting. Which I'll do right now. Okay did them.

I told him I was walking about 25 minutes most days. He says it would be helpful to do my ecises and then go for my walk so that my hips are under me better.

I told him my wrists crack, all my joints crack. He said that creaky knees going up the stairs is a different creak then when I move my wrists around and they creak, because the wrists don't have load on them like the knees do, and what's happening is tension is being released. This should get better as I continue the ecises. Watch for my video of all my creaky joints, coming soon. I hope next year the creaks will be gone and I'll only have a video to remind me that they once existed.

I've not done ecises for 5 days. But I'll resume tonight and get back on the ball. I told Paul I don't want my forty year old body to feel so old. He said it doesn't have to, I'm still young, 40 is the new 20. I said right on.

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