This ecise is called Static Back
Paul emailed me my menu. It came with pictures and descriptions of each ecise. Very clearly drawn out. He said my stiffness and creaking will go away, isn't that great? I am lucky to be able to devote one hour a day to this.
Just did my first Egoscue personalized hour long menu! It took me an hour and a half this first time.
Static Back
Gravity Drop
Standing Shoulder Shrugs
Standing Arm Circles
Floor Block
Pelvic Tilts
ABduction-ADduction w/ Feet Close
Inner/Outer Thighs
Assisted Hip Lift
Hooklying Gluteal Contractions
Prone Ankle Squeezes
Static Back Reverse Presses
Hooklying Knee Pillow Squeezes
Hooklying Isolated Hip Flexor Lifts
3-Position Toe Raises
Supine Foot Circles & Point/Flexes
17 exercises. I love Static Back, it feels so good. By lying in that position you are 'loading' your back from shoulders to hips evenly on both sides, something I'm sure I need with my hip and shoulder disparities. I have questions on some of these ecises. Floor block I couldn't really get - how do you lie on your face without breaking your nose? Are your arms supposed to be off the cushions? What's supporting the body? And the Inner/Outer Thighs one was killer on my thigh muscles, which I guess are quite weak! My outer thighs started to burn during the second and third reps. But I've been meaning to strengthen those muscles for ages.
I am going to do tomorrow's exercises as well before I email Paul with questions. At a couple points I could even feel air getting into my belly more easily, rather than just in my chest. On my list of things to do today is a breathing meditation, if even for ten minutes.
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