My first and second back picts
9.29.09 - Good news from my Egoscue therapist, Paul. He saw my pictures and emailed me this:
Hi Amanda, great work on the consistency and we're indeed seeing changes in your posture. Side views are seeing the most significant changes as your upper spine position is much more erect with your shoulders sitting back more, along with this your hips coming under your body (you have less of a flattened butt and more of a normal rounding), head position has come back closer to the line of gravity, knees are less flexed. In the front & back views, the feet are less everted, though the left is still more than the right; the right pelvis is still tilted forward more than the left, with your trunk leaning to the left. We still have work to do, but you're off to a great start.
He sent me a second menu of ecises to alternate with the first. The ecises are:
1. 1 0:05:00 Static Back
2. 4 5 Standing Windmill
3. 3 10 Standing Shoulder Shrugs
4. 2 40 Standing Arm Circles
5. 1 0:01:00 Crocodile
6. 1 10 Pelvic Tilts
7. 3 10 ABduction-ADduction w/ Feet Close
8. 3 20 Hooklying Gluteal Contractions
9. 1 0:02:00 Airbench
10. 1 0:15:00 Supine Groin Stretch w/ Towels
11. 1 40 Supine Foot Circles & Point/Flexes
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