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The menu I did this morning |
A. You think I'm psycho because I keep starting and stopping Egoscue.
B. You completely understand because you've been there too; life just gets so busy that Egoscue falls by the wayside.
WELL, as of today, no more. The trick for me was to look at it as not something that I had to squeeze into my day quickly ("Ayayay do I really have to do 40 minutes of Egoscue before I sit at my desk in the morning? Where is the time?!"). Instead I said this to myself: "I want my body back. I want to be flexible again. I know I can get there. Every morning from 10:00-11:00 I am going to do Egoscue in a leisurely fashion, not rushing, and afterwards I will do some yoga or strength training to get strong again."
You should see my little list I have taped onto the wood stove. It says this:
1 minute: goalie squats (going back and forth, knees bent, as if you were going to save a soccer goal)
30 seconds: squat thrusts
1 minute: jumping jacks
5 push-ups
10 leg lifts
You should see me huffing and puffing doing these things. But my plan is to do these daily so that they get easier and easier, at which point I will up the reps.
Not rushing = good.